
Like Lutheran preachers before him, Pastor Galler in Epiphany 2013 points to the crucifix in declaring God's love for the world that sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins.

Like Lutheran preachers before him, Pastor Galler in Epiphany 2013 points to the crucifix in declaring God’s love for the world that sent His Son Jesus to die for our sins.

God's Word has been preached arguably since the Creator first spoke to His creation in the Garden of Eden. At many times and in many ways, God spoke by the prophets, and in these last days He has spoken by His Son (Hebrews 1:1). In faithful Lutheran churches such as Pilgrim, the living voice of Jesus Christ still preaches, law and Gospel as in the days of His sojourn on earth (Mark 1:14-15), that those who hear the word of Christ might have faith in Him (Romans 10:13-17) and so have eternal life in Him (John 3:16; 20:31).

Below you will find links to all sermons preached at Pilgrim since November 20, 2011. Each link takes you to a page with the full text of the sermon and options to hear audio, when the audio is available. May God, as He promises (Isaiah 55:10-11), bless your reading of and listening to His Word!

January 2012
Rev. Dr. Roy L. Southard (Guest)
January 15, 2012, 2nd Sunday after Epiphany
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
January 08, 2012, 1st Sunday after Epiphany
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
January 01, 2012, Circumcision and Name of Jesus
December 2011
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
December 25, 2011, Christmas Day
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
December 21, 2011, Advent IV Midweek
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
December 18, 2011, Advent IV
Rev. Dr. Jayson S. Galler
December 14, 2011, Advent III Midweek

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