Vacation Bible School 2017: Here I Stand

In conjunction with Our Redeemer Lutheran Church, Longview, Pilgrim Lutheran Church offered Vacation Bible School (VBS) to the two congregations’ members and to their two communities from 6:00-8:00 p.m. Sunday, July 16, through Thursday, July 20, at Pilgrim. Some 15-20 children (three-year-olds through 6th-graders) and another 20-30 adults (7th-graders and up) participated in one way or another each night.

The main theme was “Here I Stand!”, words attributed to Martin Luther at the 1521 Diet of Worms where he was asked to retract his faithful confession of Who God is, what He had done, and how He was still working. The logo at right is an artistic interpretation of Martin Luther’s seal. Both theme and logo were fitting in 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, as dated to Martin Luther’s posting of 95 debate theses against the preaching of indulgences to his church’s door, which served as a community bulletin board (the hammer in the logo relates to that event).

Each day had its own sub-theme and either an Old Testament or New Testament Bible account related to confessing sin and faith and receiving forgiveness by grace through faith in Jesus Christ. Also connected were questions and answers from the Fifth Chief Part of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism.

  • Sunday: True Confession (Luke 15:11-32)
  • Monday: We Confess Our Sins (Luke 23:33-43)
  • Tuesday: We Confess the True God Who Forgives (Daniel 6)
  • Wednesday: We Forgive One Another (Genesis 50:15-26)
  • Thursday: The Pastoral Office Forgives (2 Samuel 12:1-14)

The Openings, skits, Catechism time, crafts, games, snacks, and Closings all centered on the “Here I Stand” main theme and each day’s sub-theme. (The material was produced by Higher Things, a registered service organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and related to its annual youth conferences.)

As with the 2013 “From Above” and 2014 “Crucified” VBS materials that Pilgrim used, the “Here I Stand” VBS materials were produced under the auspices of Higher Things, a registered service organization of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, and correspond to the theme of the organization’s 2017 youth conferences.

For more information about Pilgrim’s VBSes, please use the contact information at right.